Welcome to Rimu!
We are five passionate teachers who bring together our individual strengths to expose our students to a rich and holistic education.
Yr 5 & 6 is a time for our students to explore and develop relationships with their peers and the adults they interact with. As a syndicate, we guide them to build skills that develop healthy relationships and the resilience they will need to succeed in our ever-changing world.
Our learners are encouraged to actively embrace The Adventure Way. Students have increased opportunities to drive their own learning and to empower themselves and others to seek and achieve personal greatness. We believe that it is important to encourage learners to keep developing the skills needed to work collaboratively and with independence. At the same time, explicit teaching of new and transferable skills grows learning across the curriculum.
Our students are exploring where they fit into the world around them and are encouraged to take a more active part in school life, while also learning about the wider world they live in.
Rimu students are offered the opportunity to take on added responsibilities around the school. Developing greater self-awareness through Tuiakana Teina is an important part of our students’ personal growth. Opportunities to participate in sporting and academic events outside of the school gates are more readily available at this level.
When students leave Rimu syndicate, they will take with them the kete of tools they have acquired to help them continue on their journey to becoming confident self-directed learners.