School Requests for Payments (Donations / Trips etc)
Hero App / Parent Portal Information
Access to the Hero caregiver portal and app uses the existing email address that Adventure School has on record. This email address needs to be unique for each parent / caregiver.
This portal allows you to view and pay for school trips and donations online.
Click to pay through the or download the Hero by LINC-ED app
If you need to update any contact information please email
Adventure School does not issue a list for stationery requirements at the start of the year.
We team up with OfficeMax so that you can buy all your stationery over the internet or by mail order. The stationery requirements for each Syndicate have been preloaded into their online ordering system. The stationery will be delivered to your home or a designated address by courier. Officemax may charge for delivery depending on the amount of your order.
It is recommended that you purchase all bulk stationery two weeks prior to school starting to ensure delivery before school starts on the 1 February 2024.
The School Office carries a range of stationery items for top ups and those students who start during the year. If your child starts after 1 July, then stationery requirements may change to reflect part year. Please check with the School Office.
School Uniforms
Adventure School has a school uniform that is compulsory for all children. It is available to purchase from the school office. The uniform shop will be open from 9am – 6pm on 29 January 2024 prior to school starting for the year and then the normal school office hours during term time.
House Colour Tshirts – (Not compulsory)
These are available from the school office – sizing is the same as the school uniform tops. Cost $20.
- Latitude – green
- Longituded – blue
- Mainsail – red
- Crowsnest – yellow
Second hand uniforms
You can buy or sell second hand uniforms any time by joining the following Facebook group.
Visit Adventure Uniforms (Facebook Group)
At Adventure School we encourage healthy lunch boxes. Regularly consuming healthy food and water can improve a child’s thinking, learning and behaviour. During our short “Brain Break” children are encouraged to eat a small piece of fresh fruit or vegetable. Children are not permitted to bring fizzy drinks, sweets or chewing gum to school.
The school offers Subway sandwich lunches on Wednesdays. Order online using the Subway Lunch Ordering App or via the link by 9.00 am on Subway Wednesdays.
The school also offers Sushi lunch on Tuesdays. Order online using the link by 8.30 am on Sushi Tuesdays.